89 terrorists neutralised over past two weeks — Turkish defence ministry

"Intensive, effective, and dynamic measures ensure comprehensive security" at the Turkish borders, says the National Defence Ministry spokesperson.

"Additionally, due to our determined operations, five PKK terrorists fleeing from shelters in northern Iraq surrendered to our border post at Habur," Zeki Akturk noted. /Photo: AA

"Additionally, due to our determined operations, five PKK terrorists fleeing from shelters in northern Iraq surrendered to our border post at Habur," Zeki Akturk noted. /Photo: AA

Turkish security forces have "neutralised" 89 terrorists in the past two weeks, including those hiding across the border in northern Iraq and Syria, the National Defence Ministry said.

"With successful operations, including in northern Iraq and Syria, 89 terrorists have been neutralised in the past two weeks," ministry spokesman Zeki Akturk told reporters in the capital Ankara on Thursday.

Since January 1 of this year, 1,270 terrorists have been "neutralised," he said.

"Additionally, due to our determined operations, five PKK terrorists fleeing from shelters in northern Iraq surrendered to our border post at Habur," he noted.

Turkish authorities use the term "neutralise" to imply the terrorists in question surrendered, were killed or captured.

In its nearly 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

"Our fight against terrorism, which aims to eliminate threats starting beyond our borders, continues uninterrupted," Akturk said.

He added, "We already celebrate the 2233rd anniversary (28 June) of our heroic Turkish Land Forces."

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Illegal border crossings

Regarding illegal border crossings into Türkiye, the spokesman said 486 people were apprehended in the last two weeks while attempting to enter the country without valid documents. And of those detained, "16 are members of terrorist organisations."

Another, 2,581 people were prevented from crossing the border in the last two weeks, he added.

"The number of people detained while attempting illegal crossings since January 1 has risen to 5,215. The number of people prevented from crossing the border is 62,217," Akturk said.

He noted that "intensive, effective, and dynamic measures ensure comprehensive security" at the borders.

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Diplomatic engagements

According to Akturk, Türkiye’s National Defence Minister Yasar Guler has been actively engaged in diplomatic efforts, including attending key meetings in Brussels on June 13-14, and the Goodwill Letter Signing Ceremony for Ukraine with allied Defence Ministers along and participating in NATO activities.

He said Yasar Guler emphasised Türkiye’s strong support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, compliance with international conventions, and contributions to NATO operations.

Furthermore, Akturk stressed that the Turkish Armed Forces have continued to conduct successful international missions and training exercises in a variety of geographies as part of bilateral and international missions.

He highlighted various exercises across Europe and the Mediterranean, upcoming events such as SEA BREEZE-2024 and joint air space control exercises, and diplomatic engagements like port visits and commemorative events.

The spokesman also said the Turkish navy's TCG KINALIADA corvette visited Japan in June to commemorate the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations, while the TCG BANDIRMA and TCG KARABURUN frigates visited Lebanon and Bodrum, respectively.


Israel's war on Gaza

Referring to "despicable attacks" by Israel "on refugee camps and schools where displaced Palestinians seek refuge," "Our priority is for the massacre in Gaza to end and for lasting peace to be established in the region," the spokesman said.

"It is concerning that these attacks have threatened regional stability. Every step that could lead to a larger conflict must be avoided," Akturk concluded.

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