Altun calls for global action against Israel to build a Palestinian state

"The world cannot wait any longer. We must stop this violence and build a Palestinian state as soon as possible no matter what the Israelis say, " the head of the Turkish Communications Directorate Altun states.

"Israel is telling us all very openly that it was all lies and deception. Their only goal was to perpetuate and expand the occupation," Altun expressed. /Photo: AA Archive

"Israel is telling us all very openly that it was all lies and deception. Their only goal was to perpetuate and expand the occupation," Altun expressed. /Photo: AA Archive

Fahrettin Altun, the head of Türkiye's Communications Directorate, has called for global action against Israel, accusing Tel Aviv of perpetrating genocide against Palestinians.

"The Israeli government has an insatiable thirst for the blood and tears of innocent people. There is a murderous regime in Tel Aviv that has been committing genocide right before the eyes of the 'civilised world,'" Altun said in a statement shared on X on Monday.

Altun described Israel's attacks on "starved, homeless, and defenceless people" as a direct affront to humanity's collective conscience.

"Its disregard for human life is so ingrained in the very psyche of the Israeli government. It is shameful, horrible, and disgusting," he added.

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Disinformation poses threat to international community: Altun

Support of the US

He argued that Israel's continued occupation and dispossession of Palestinians would not have been possible "without the help and support of the global superpower of the world who has pretended to be brokering peace for so many years."

"Israel is telling us all very openly that it was all lies and deception. Their only goal was to perpetuate and expand the occupation," Altun stated.

"The Israeli government thinks it has full freedom of action given the US support. But they are a pariah state in the eyes of the whole world. Without legitimacy, there is no statecraft. Israel will go down in history as the regime that committed war crimes and crimes against humanity," he said.

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'Palestinians are first criminalised, then dehumanised' by Western media: Türkiye's Altun

Urgency of building a Palestinian state

Calling for international unity against the violence inflicted on innocent women, children, and the elderly, he expressed, "We cannot stand idly by and watch this madness. We must stand up to Israel together even if its patrons will continue to protect them."

He emphasised the urgency of building a Palestinian state and holding those responsible for violence accountable, saying:

"The world cannot wait any longer. We must stop this violence and build a Palestinian state as soon as possible no matter what the Israelis say."

"This war must end. Those responsible must be held to account. The 'civilised' nations must live up to their self-declared principles and ideals. Human rights and dignity cannot remain on paper only. It is past time Israel is held accountable for its crimes against humanity," Altun said.

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