Armenian armed groups utilise  animals for terrorist activities in Karabakh

Illegal Armenian armed groups carried out a terrorist act by sending a dog strapped with a bomb against Azerbaijani soldiers in Karabakh, Azerbaijani authorities say.

Azerbijani ministry condemned the provacative terrorist act, emphasising that it violates UN's Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. /Photo: AA

Azerbijani ministry condemned the provacative terrorist act, emphasising that it violates UN's Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. /Photo: AA

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence has announced that illegal Armenian armed groups in Khojavend District of Karabakh attempted a provocation by sending a dog carrying a bomb against Azerbaijani soldiers.

The armed group forced the dog with an improvised explosive device remotely controlled from a distance, to move in the direction of Azerbaijani soldiers, the Azerbaijani ministry said on Monday.

It was reported that the dog carrying the bomb was captured, and the explosive device was neutralised by Azerbaijani soldiers.

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence condemned the act as a blatant violation of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons of the United Nation (UNODA) which prohibits the use of landmines, booby-traps, and other devices.

“The use of animals for malicious purposes is an unethical act, and we consider it as a terrorist act,” Azerbaijani officials said.

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