Rafah attack exposed Israel's true colours — Turkish President Erdogan

Turkish President Erdogan says Israeli PM Netanyahu imitates former Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic, genocide convict Bosnian Serb politician Radovan Karadzic, and late German dictator Adolf Hitler.

President Erdogan / Photo: AA

President Erdogan / Photo: AA

"Sunday's attack on Rafah, which came after the International Court of Justice's order, has exposed the treacherous and bloody nature of the terror state," Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

President Erdogan on Monday blasted Israel over its weekend attack against Rafah, which was previously designated as a "safe area."

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Erdogan also lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying: "The embattled Netanyahu and his murderous network trying to extend grip on power by massacring people as they fail to defeat Palestinian resistance."

Netanyahu imitates war criminals

"Netanyahu won't be able to save himself from being lamented like (former Yugoslav strongman Slobodan) Milosevic, (genocide convict Bosnian Serb politician Radovan) Karadzic, and (late German dictator Adolf) Hitler, who he is imitating," the president also said.

Erdogan also emphasised that Türkiye will do "everything in its power to ensure those (Israeli) barbarians are brought to justice for crimes they committed."

Dozens of people killed in Rafah

At least 35 people were killed and dozens injured as Israel targeted a camp for the displaced people in Rafah on Sunday.

The attack occurred near the logistics base of the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) in Tal al Sultan, said the Gaza Media Office.

Israeli aircraft targeted several tents in the area, the media office said, adding that missiles and 2,000-pound bombs were used.

Earlier, Gaza’s civil defence force said the targeted area sheltered at least 100,000 displaced people.

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