Turkish President Erdogan wishes 'peace and tranquillity' in Eid message

"I hope that this holiday brings peace to our hearts, tranquility to our country, and peace to our spiritual geography, especially Palestine and Sudan," says Erdogan.

President Erdogan marks the Muslim holiday of Eid al Adha. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

President Erdogan marks the Muslim holiday of Eid al Adha. / Photo: AA Archive

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has extended the Eid al Adha greeting on Sunday, wishing peace and tranquillity across Türkiye and the broader cultural region.

"I wholeheartedly congratulate our nation and the Islamic world on the occasion of Eid al Adha," he wrote on X.

"I hope that this holiday brings peace to our hearts, tranquillity to our country, and peace to our spiritual geography, especially Palestine and Sudan," he added.

The Muslim holiday of Eid al Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, commemorates Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command.

Earlier on Saturday, on account of the Day of Arafat, Erdogan reiterated Türkiye's support for the Palestinian people who celebrate their holiday while enduring genocidal atrocities by Israel.

"I wholeheartedly congratulate my brothers in Gaza on occasion the Eid al Adha as they celebrate the holiday while enduring the atrocities by genocidal Israel. And I wish that our brothers who are suffering, oppressed and massacred every day will find peace, security and stability as soon as possible," the Turkish president said.

Since October 7 last year, Türkiye has maintained a firm stance against Israel's actions in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian Territories, which are viewed as genocidal policies.

Türkiye has sent over 55 thousand tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

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