Türkiye ensures Hajj journey for thousands of pilgrims

The Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs has emphasised the excellent cooperation with the Saudi Ministry of Hajj.

The majority of Turkish pilgrims have already arrived in Mecca and Medina, with the remaining expected to reach the holy cities in the coming days.  / Photo: AA

The majority of Turkish pilgrims have already arrived in Mecca and Medina, with the remaining expected to reach the holy cities in the coming days.  / Photo: AA

Türkiye's Presidency of Religious Affairs has mobilised a substantial team to provide comprehensive services for Turkish pilgrims during the Hajj missions for Muslims.

The directorate's head Ali Erbas announced the deployment of a professional team, 4,128 members in Mecca and Medina, to assist almost 85,000 Turkish citizens performing the Hajj pilgrimage this year.

The team includes 503 healthcare professionals to address any medical needs that would arise during the pilgrimage.

"This year, 84,942 of our citizens are coming to the holy lands for Hajj," said Erbas.

"Of this number, 53% are women and 47% are men."

The majority of Turkish pilgrims have already arrived in Mecca and Medina, with the remaining expected to reach the holy cities in the coming days. The average age of Turkish pilgrims is 60 years, reflecting a mature demographic participating in this spiritual journey.

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'Excellent cooperation with the Saudi Arabia'

Erbas highlighted that, similar to last year, a special group of children is also included in the pilgrimage, showcasing the inclusive nature of the event.

Seven Turkish pilgrims have passed away since arriving in the holy land. "We pray for Allah's mercy on those who have died and extend our heartfelt condolences to their families," Erbas said.

The Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs has emphasised excellent cooperation with the Saudi Ministry of Hajj, particularly through the "Tarik-i Mecca" project, which facilitates the swift transit of pilgrims from the airport without delays.

"Our collaboration with the Saudi authorities ensures that our citizens can perform their Hajj rituals in the best possible manner," Erbas noted, expressing gratitude to the Saudi officials for their support and services to the pilgrims.

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Route 6