Türkiye saves 130 irregular migrants pushed back by Greece in Aegean

In separate rescue operations, Turkish coast personnel intercepted over 400 irregular migrants off Türkiye's western coasts.

Thousands of irregular migrants were rescued in the waters off Turkish western coasts after being pushed back to Turkish territorial waters by Greek forces. / Photo: AA

Thousands of irregular migrants were rescued in the waters off Turkish western coasts after being pushed back to Turkish territorial waters by Greek forces. / Photo: AA

A total of 130 irregular migrants pushed back into Turkish territorial waters by Greek forces were rescued on Saturday by the Turkish Coast Guard off the coasts of western Izmir province's Menderes, Karaburun, Foca and Cesme districts.

Separately, 265 irregular migrants and a migrant smuggler were caught off the coasts of Karaburun and Dikili.

Irregular migrants were handed to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management after procedures.

Additional 170 irregular migrants in rubber boats were caught by the Coast Guard off the coast of western Canakkale province's Ayvacik district.

Coast Guard Northern Aegean Group Command teams detected four rubber boats with irregular migrants off the coast of Ayvacik.

During the operations by teams with the TCSG-8 and KB-20 boats, 170 irregular migrants from Afghanistan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Palestine and Somalia were caught and taken to shore.

Foreign nationals were sent to the Ayvacik Foreigners Removal Center after procedures.

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Türkiye rescues around 100 migrants after Greece pushback


Mounting criticism against Greece

Türkiye and global rights groups have repeatedly condemned Greece’s illegal practice of pushing back irregular migrants, saying it violates humanitarian values and international law by endangering the lives of vulnerable migrants, including women and children.

Türkiye has been a key transit point for irregular migrants wanting to cross into Europe to start new lives, especially those fleeing war and persecution.

Route 6