Türkiye to 'make every effort' in support of genocide case against Israel

The international community must exert pressure to stop Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, says Turkish FM Fidan, announcing Ankara's application to intervene in the ICJ case.

After closely following the case and conducting meticulous evaluations regarding the possibilities of intervention, Türkiye announced its decision to intervene on May 1. / Photo: AFP

After closely following the case and conducting meticulous evaluations regarding the possibilities of intervention, Türkiye announced its decision to intervene on May 1. / Photo: AFP

Türkiye has submitted its application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to intervene in the genocide case against Israel, seeking to hold Tel Aviv accountable for its ongoing war crimes against the Palestinian people in besieged Gaza.

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced the appeal on Wednesday. "Emboldened by the impunity it has received for its crimes, Israel is killing more and more innocent Palestinians every day," Fidan wrote on X, condemning Israel's relentless atrocities.

"The international community must do its part to stop the genocide and put the necessary pressure on Israel and its supporters," he added, vowing that Türkiye "will make every effort" for that cause.

South Africa approached the ICJ late last year, arguing that Israel's devastating war has caused a humanitarian crisis and violates the 1948 Genocide Convention. Several countries have since joined the proceedings.

After closely following the case and conducting meticulous evaluations regarding the possibilities of intervention, Türkiye announced its decision to intervene on May 1.

The country has now become a party to the genocide case, joining Nicaragua, Colombia, Libya, Mexico, Palestine, and Spain, who have also joined South Africa, which first filed the case last December.

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Türkiye joins global effort to hold Israel accountable for war crimes

Commitment to justice

"Our decision to intervene reflects the importance that our country attaches to the resolution of the Palestinian issue within the framework of law and justice," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement following the application.

"The conscience of humanity and international law will hold Israeli officials to account," it stressed.

It can take four to five years before ICJ comes out with a final judgement, but the arguments that different parties to the case submit can become the foundation for preventing similar crimes in the future.

Last month, the ICJ issued a landmark advisory, telling Israel that its occupation of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza and construction of settlements are illegal.

Türkiye says that its legal arguments will back the ICJ's view on the occupation of Palestinian territories and illegal settlements.

According to Turkish diplomatic officials, "Türkiye’s declaration is the most detailed, comprehensive, and well-argued among the intervening countries."

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