Trump challenges Biden to another 'no holds barred' debate

Rallying supporters at his Miami golf course, former US president seeks "man-to-man, no moderators, no holds barred" debate with Joe Biden while subtly suggesting that Marco Rubio could be his potential vice-presidential candidate.

Republican presidential candidate and former US President Trump holds campaign rally in his Doral golf course in Florida. / Photo: Reuters

Republican presidential candidate and former US President Trump holds campaign rally in his Doral golf course in Florida. / Photo: Reuters

Former US President Donald Trump appears to be relishing the growing turmoil in President Joe Biden's campaign following their first debate, challenging Biden to another debate and teasing the upcoming announcement of his Republican running mate, with top contender Florida Senator Marco Rubio as vice-presidential candidate.

On Tuesday as Biden opened the NATO summit in US capital, Trump rallied his supporters at one of his Miami-area golf courses as the presumptive Republican nominee nears a deadline to announce his running mate.

Trump, speaking from the 10th hole of his course, challenged Biden to another debate or even a "golf-off" reviving an offbeat argument from their debate. But mostly, he rubbed in how their meetup left Biden's campaign facing a grim prognosis.

"But this time it will be man-to-man, no moderators, no holds barred," Trump said.

"Our victory was so absolute that Joe's own party now wants him to throw in the towel and surrender the presidency after a single 90-minute performance," Trump said.

"They want 'Crooked Joe' out of the race. It's a shame the way they’re treating him. But don't feel sorry for him. He's a very bad guy."

Some Democrats have started calling for Biden to step down as their presumptive nominee following his dismal debate performance last month.

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'Democrat panic'

James Singer, a spokesperson for Biden's campaign, responded to Trump with a series of challenges, saying in a statement: "We'd challenge Donald Trump to create jobs, but he lost 3 million. We'd challenge Donald Trump to stand up to Putin, but he bent the knee to him. We’d challenge Donald Trump to follow the law, but he breaks it."

Singer also said, "Joe Biden doesn’t have time for Donald Trump's weird antics — he's busy leading America and defending the free world."

Trump also laced into Vice President Kamala Harris with more specifics than usual. She has become a focus of the former president and his allies as speculation has mounted that she would replace Biden as the Democratic nominee.

Trump called her “Laughing Kamala," and referred to the "Biden-Harris administration," rather than just pinning actions on Biden as he had for months, and blamed Harris for the White House's immigration policies.

"Despite all the Democrat panic this week, the truth is, it doesn't matter who they nominate because we are going to beat any one of them in thundering landslides and this November’s going to be amazing," he said.


Marco Rubio, Senator from Florida, at the rally of Republican presidential candidate and former US president Trump in Doral on Tuesday. 

Rubio as Veep?

Trump repeatedly played into the speculation that he might elevate Rubio to his ticket.

Rubio, a Miami native and one of the contenders for the vice presidential post, was among the Florida politicians who spoke at the event.

At one point, Trump marveled at the number of reporters in attendance and said, "I think they probably think I’m going to be announcing that Marco is going to be vice president."

Later, when he talked about his pledge to make tips tax-free, he remarked that Rubio "may or may not be there to vote for it."

Rubio, the son of Cuban immigrants, is seen as a potential running mate who could help Trump as he tries to secure support from Hispanic Americans, a point the senator emphasised in his remarks as he switched several times in his remarks to Spanish.

The senator did not openly acknowledge any of the speculation about him joining Trump as a running mate. He instead skewered not only Biden, whom he called "the figurehead of a left-wing government, shadow government," but Harris, whom he would need to debate head-on if he's chosen for Trump's ticket.

Rubio referred to Harris not by name at first but called her Biden's "replacement" and "a real-life, verified left-winger." At another point in his remarks, he mocked the way Harris laughs.

He notably seemed to insert himself into Trump’s signature "Make America Great Again" slogan by saying: "Together, we’re not just going to make it great again. We elect this man as president, we will make together America greater than it has ever been."

Thousands of people turned out in the humid summer evening for the rally. Attendees were fanning themselves and holding signs featuring Trump's mug shot, along with others that said, "You're fired!" — Trump's signature phrase on his former reality show, "The Apprentice."

Trump's youngest child who recently turned 18, Barron, also made his first-ever appearance at one of his father's rallies. Trump implored his son to stand, with the young man pumping his fist a few times as Trump said, "Welcome to the scene, Barron."

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