Status quo cannot continue — Türkiye's UN envoy on Syria

National consensus must be established in Syria, with meaningful participation of the opposition, Ahmet Yildiz stresses in address to UN Security Council.

Without a national reconciliation process that includes millions of Syrians, the country will continue to be prone to conflict, Yildiz underscored. / Photo: AA Archive
AA Archive

Without a national reconciliation process that includes millions of Syrians, the country will continue to be prone to conflict, Yildiz underscored. / Photo: AA Archive

Türkiye’s envoy to the United Nations has warned that the situation in Syria has become “untenable” following over 13 years of conflict.

"The overall situation in Syria has become untenable with worsening economic, security and humanitarian conditions,” Ahmet Yildiz said at a UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday, stressing that the "status quo cannot continue."

Stressing that there is a need for a change of attitude from the Syrian regime to initiate a national consensus and a re-energised focus on Syria from the international community, Yildiz said all sides should take "genuine steps" towards a lasting settlement following UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

"The root causes of the conflict in Syria are political. Therefore, revitalisation of the political process with meaningful participation of the opposition as an indispensable part of forging a national consensus is key," he added.

A comprehensive settlement of the Syrian conflict also requires simultaneous progress in creating the conditions necessary for the "voluntary, safe and dignified" return of Syrian refugees to their country, Yildiz stressed, adding that without a national reconciliation process that includes millions of Syrians, the country will continue to be prone to conflict.


Counterterrorism, refugees

Turning to the terrorist organisations in Syria, Yildiz told the UN session that these heinous groups must be thwarted, as they pose the "most significant threat" to the territorial integrity and unity of the country.

"The PKK/YPG/SDF terrorist organisation’s attempt to organise so-called local elections in northeast Syria is a clear manifestation of separatist terrorism," he said.

Yildiz further reassured that Türkiye is ready to support initiatives towards finding a viable political solution to the conflict in Syria and will continue to cooperate with relevant stakeholders and UN agencies to address the humanitarian needs of the Syrian people.

In response to criticisms from the Syrian envoy to the UN regarding Türkiye's attitude towards Syrian refugees, Yildiz said the Syrian regime is detached from the realities on the ground.

"They are the last to preach to Türkiye on this issue. Türkiye has established gold standards around the world on how to deal with the refugees, how to help neighbours, and how to be a constructive actor in many international issues, including Syria," he stressed.

Syria has been locked in a vicious civil war since early 2011 when the Bashar al Assad regime cracked down on pro-democracy protests with unexpected ferocity.

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