Altun urges stronger global response to stop Israeli attacks on Gaza

Altun criticises the post-World War II global system for prioritising the interests of certain countries, which has fueled conflicts and wars while sidelining constructive elements such as prosperity, peace, and stability

Altun criticises the international community, particularly the G7, for failing to respond adequately to Israel's indiscriminate attacks on Gaza. / Photo: AA

Altun criticises the international community, particularly the G7, for failing to respond adequately to Israel's indiscriminate attacks on Gaza. / Photo: AA

Türkiye’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun recently penned an article for Al Jazeera discussing the upcoming G7 Summit in Italy.

In his article titled "The G7 Summit and the Need for a More Just World," Altun critiques the current international system established after World War II, which he argues has failed to address global challenges and conflicts effectively.

Altun highlights that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has consistently called for an end to Israel’s reckless attacks targeting Palestinians on every platform. He notes that while the G7 leaders have expressed full support for the ceasefire plan announced by US President Joe Biden on May 31, the effectiveness of such calls and support in deterring Israel remains highly questionable.

"International actors, particularly the G7, have failed to adequately respond to Israel's attacks that disregard all laws, principles, and values," Altun said.

Altun stresses that the G7 and other international actors are expected to do much more than what is currently being done. He argues for a restructuring of the international system to build a framework that defends the rights and dignity of the oppressed rather than protecting the powerful.

Altun criticises the post-World War II global system for prioritising the interests of certain countries, which has fueled conflicts and wars while sidelining constructive elements such as prosperity, peace, and stability. He emphasises that the world has experienced significant turmoil since the 1990s, necessitating more active roles for global actors in solving regional and international issues.

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Altun calls for global action against Israel to build a Palestinian state

Referring to recent events such as the Ukraine-Russia war and Israel’s attacks on Palestine, Altun illustrates how international actors have failed to take effective measures or show the necessary resolve in addressing these crises. He argues that the declining influence of international actors since the 2000s is due to ignoring the multifaceted and multipolar nature of the global system.

Altun points out that the international system shaped by a few superpowers cannot continue to exploit other countries and people for their interests. He calls for a recognition of this reality by international organisations and the major states dominating them, urging a re-evaluation of their strategies to align with the spirit of the new era. He states that the current system established after World War II is collapsing, and a new system that fits the new era’s spirit has yet to be built.

The G7, initially focused on economic concerns, has expanded its scope to address major global issues. Altun emphasises the need to reconsider the effectiveness of the G7's decisions and their impact on the international stage, given the significant international crises and conflicts of recent years.

Altun criticises the international community, particularly the G7, for failing to respond adequately to Israel's indiscriminate attacks on Gaza.

He mentions that during the upcoming G7 Summit in Italy, set to take place from June 13-15, topics such as the defence of the rules-based international system, the Russia-Ukraine war, and support for Ukraine, Middle East conflicts, energy security, relations with developing countries, Africa, the Indo-Pacific region, climate-energy nexus, food security, migration, and artificial intelligence will be discussed.

Despite the summit’s theme of a rules-based international system, Altun points out the unfortunate reality that the rules upheld by the international system are often violated by certain states.

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Disinformation poses significant threats and challenges — Altun

Altun underscores the severe humanitarian impact of Israel's attacks on Gaza and other regions, describing them as blatant war crimes.

He reiterates President Erdogan’s calls for an end to these attacks and criticises the international system for failing to take action or even call for a ceasefire until massive global protests and outcries ensued.

Altun questions the deterrent effect of the ceasefire calls and support expressed by G7 leaders, arguing that much more is expected and needed from the G7 and other international actors.

In conclusion, Altun reaffirms Türkiye's commitment to contributing to regional and global peace, stability, and the resolution of crises.

He highlights Türkiye's role in mediating a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine war and its constructive initiatives in the Grain Crisis as recent examples of its contributions to global peace.

Altun asserts that Türkiye will continue to play an active role in addressing various global challenges, including irregular migration, climate change, international terrorism, and disrupted supply chains, as it has done in the past.

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Türkiye offers solutions where UN failed: Fahrettin Altun

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